Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Part One of my Interview with Zakah and Sorina

Grace- Let me start with saying thank you both for doing this, I loved your story so much and begged Stacy to let me do this interview.   

Sorina- We’re happy to do this and very pleased to meet you. So you are the one who keeps the authors in line? Must be a fun job?

Grace- It is so much fun and I get all the inside information about upcoming books, events, and great opportunities to sit and talk to some of the stars of the books.  I have quite a few questions for you guys and I know you’re busy, so I will get right to it.

Zakah- My kind of woman, straight to work.

Grace- I assume both of you read Blood Myth, what are your thoughts on the book?

Sorina- Yes, we read it of course. I think Stacy did a great job and gave an extraordinary view into our world.

Zakah- I was pleased with her version.

Grace- Her version, do you think she messed up any details?

Zakah- No she did not mess up exactly but she did make me seem a bit like a caveman.

Sorina- She was dead on with that portrayal.

Zakah- Little Rabbit, you still are not nearly as afraid of me as you should be.

Grace- Maybe it’s time for another question, one from a reader?

Sorina- Good idea.

Grace- One reader asked, about the cliff-hanger ending. They are upset it left them wondering what happens. What are your thoughts about the cliff-hanger, Sorina?

Sorina- Well obviously, no one died. Zak and I both are here and unfortunately Tanerk did not die either. I do not think of it as a cliff hanger. Because let’s face it, if Tanerk died there would be no need for the next book and it has never been a secret there is a second book. Stacy wrote the story as fiction and it is categorized as romance, so what kind of romance lets the hero or heroine die at the end of the book. None really… That being said, it is not a cliff hanger really, it is more of see what happens next season.

Zakah- Next season on as the Myth continues gods.

Grace- Hmm makes me think there should be a cable series. So next reader’s questions. The first time Sorina is introduced to your sexual preferences was right after Tanerk almost raped her. Do you have any regrets about forcing her into such a violent sexual encounter after such a traumatic experience?

Sorina- You are making him turn red, Grace…Calm down, you will scare her. I will answer the question because well it is how I felt during that time that really matters. Yes, it was a traumatic experience with Tanerk and maybe to some it may seem inappropriate what happened between Zakah and me after but… I needed to be with Zak, I wanted to have him as he was and know I could handle his violent nature. Did he scare me?  No, Zak did not scare me but yes I was nervous but because I feared I would fail him. I was afraid I could not take his nature or be able to satisfy him. But and this is a very big but, I knew no matter what he would stop and end everything if I said no. I was inside his head and he was in mine. We knew what the other needed and wanted.

Zakah- As much as I love for you to speak for me, Little Rabbit, I will expand on your response. If I could change what I did and how I took Sorina that night I would but I cannot. I wish I spent hours making love to her gently and savoring my woman that first time. I am not human and will not react in human ways, the thought of my father touching my woman… unleashed a violence that needed Sorina to calm.

Sorina- Well, I would not change how we made love the first time and it was not only him claiming me but me claiming him.

Grace- Next, this is my question. How do you feel when people bring up BDSM lifestyle when discussing your book and story?

Sorina- I laugh, because we are not into a lifestyle. We have unconventional sex at times and yes I do submit sexually to him most of the time. This has nothing to do with a “lifestyle” this is our choice as a couple. We give the other what they need. I like my man in control, devouring me so completely he leaves me breathless.

Zakah- I’ll be honest; yes I have enjoyed the pretense of the lifestyle because it made my preferences not so abnormal. The club gave me a place to play and find subs who wanted the kind of encounter I needed. Many of The Attic’s regulars are involved in the lifestyle and have true Dominate/Submissive relationships but Sorina and I, are not involved in a BDSM life.

Grace- That kind of clears it up but it does seem to be an element in the series but not a major role, even though you own a club specifically designed for people or well beings that are in a BDSM life. Do you think Stacy should have discussed it more?

Sorina- Oh gods no… One, I would be lost if she discussed it too much. Zak is dominate and controlling because it is his nature. But we do not live a bdsm lifestyle regardless of his clientele of the Attic or his previous lifestyle. Our relationship is not easily put into a category nor is anyone’s that easy.  

Grace- But there is a memory of you with Nikolette, inside Attic and you mention feeling something. It almost felt as if you are a sub or craved that feeling.

Sorina- I never denied being submissive. I am in the bedroom because it is my preference and Zakah seems to like it. ..But I do deny a bdsm lifestyle because honestly I do not know enough about it to claim it.

I guess I am confused about it being such a big deal I let him dominate in the bedroom and he tied me up. I would think a lot of women enjoy the benefits of a dominating sexual male. I believe no matter what kind of relationship you have whether it is traditional, kinky, exploratory, gentle, violent, or whatever… for it to work both must have power but both also must submit to the other at some point. I give myself freely to Zak and trust he will not do more than I can handle. I trust he will push me past my limits but will know when too much is too much. But this is in everything not just sex. He trusts I will be open with him and he trusts I will test his patience… We equally submit to love…

Zakah- Sorina why are you lying? You have all the power in our relationship and I wouldn't have it any other way.

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